Kid Hero embodies the curiosity of all children. Having decided to be a super detective and discover the mind boggling mysteries of his world, Ethan, a six year old boy, owner, and main care giver of his pet albino boa Sylvester, embarks on a mystery quest to solve the questions that fall before them. Helped by wisdom gained from watching his favorite television show "The Cosmic Comet" Kid Hero and his cowardly sidekick Sly Guy wins the hearts of all in stories such as: Becoming A Hero, Who Stole My Bath Water?, Big Bad Mail Man, Grandma Impersonator, PB&J Says WHO?, and several others. Watch him grow as he becomes the hero within us all.
Kid Hero's Mother Penciled Kid Hero's Father Penciled
Kris Trey
Family Portrait Penciled
Mommy, Daddy, Ethan, & Sylvester
Dragon In A Dress
Sidney lives in a magical world full of wonderfully colorful mythical animals and oddities. But to this kindergartener life just seems so ordinary and common. She decides to change things up and drags a few friends into her shenanigans along the way. Come read along with Sidney as she discovers being different doesn't mean you have to be disorderly. Dragon In A Dress is sure to teach your kids how to be themselves while respecting others for being who they are.
Abel's Fantastic Feather
Kid Hero's Mother Penciled Kid Hero's Father Penciled
Kris Trey
Family Portrait Penciled
Mommy, Daddy, Ethan, & Sylvester
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Dragon In A Dress
Sidney lives in a magical world full of wonderfully colorful mythical animals and oddities. But to this kindergartener life just seems so ordinary and common. She decides to change things up and drags a few friends into her shenanigans along the way. Come read along with Sidney as she discovers being different doesn't mean you have to be disorderly. Dragon In A Dress is sure to teach your kids how to be themselves while respecting others for being who they are.
Abel's Fantastic Feather
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